BHS Vision and Mission
Our Vision is to keep Buderim’s history alive through conserving, preserving and researching its past.
Our Mission is to conserve and preserve Buderim Pioneer history, artefacts and data for utilisation by our community and visitors, as a background resource to modern regional development and lifestyles.
Management Committee
A Management Committee, elected each year at the Annual General Meeting by the members governs the BHS Inc. The AGM is held on the second Saturday in September. Nominations for positions on the Management Committee should reach the Society two-weeks prior to the AGM.
All volunteers and staff are responsible to the Management Committee.
Kevin Briggs – President
Doug Benkendorff – Vice President
Margaret Thursby – Secretary
Margaret Welshe – Treasurer
Ruth Ormerod – Committee Member
Geoff Baker – Committee Member
This very active and important group, responsible to the Management Committee, is dedicated to fund raising, promoting BHS and social activities. You are invited to join them at their meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month at Vise House at 1.30pm. Upcoming events are noted in the daily diary for all to keep abreast with BHS happenings.
This group meets on the 1st Saturday every third month at 2pm at Vise House. A variety of speakers present all manner of interesting subjects from the past for all members and friends interested in the history, writing and research of the area.
The longest established voluntary group of the Society and are the responsibility of the Management Committee. The aim of this group is to keep the doors of Pioneer Cottage open as many days of the week as possible between the hours of 11am –3pm. Current members are actively encouraged to donate some time to this voluntary work.
This group was officially commenced during 2012 to ensure our excellent entry in the B150 Garden Competition and meets informally when required. Our volunteers maintain the Pioneer Cottage and Vise House gardens. These are much admired and enjoyed by our visitors.
The men work together to do small maintenance jobs up to $1,000 per year. Bigger works are the responsibility of the BWMCA and a monthly report is given of work done to the BWMCA. The Vice President oversees the buildings and reports to the Management Committee monthly.
Meeting dates
- AGM The AGM is held on the second Saturday in September. Nominations for positions on the Management Committee should reach the Society two-weeks prior to the AGM.
- Management Committee The Management Committee meets on the last Friday of each Month at Vise House at 1.30pm.
- Social Marketing Group The Social Marketing Group meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at Vise House at 1.30pm.
Policy and Procedure Documents
BHS Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028
BHS Strategic Plan Progress Report February 2022- January 2023
BHS Strategic Plan 2018 -2023 Revised 2021
BHS Strategic Plan Progress Report February 2021 – January 2022
BHS Fire Evacuation Plan Pioneer Cottage January 2023
BHS Fire and Evacuation Plan Vise House January 2023
BHS Incident Accident Notification Procedure Guide April 2019
Room Hire
Application for organisations and clubs to hire the meeting room at Vise’s House ($20/hr) can be made on request to Doug (07 5445 4683) or BHS (07 54501966).
Publication and Services
- Photocopying
- Wedding/Fashion photos
- Group Visits